Application Suggestion.Possible Breezy Intergration?

Havoc dlist at
Fri Sep 16 05:30:15 CDT 2005

Yes, I've used both checkinstall and paco (And over

that, I've tried keeping just the makefiles which is

equally crude), and I have to say, checkinstall is a

little crude.Most of the times, the packages don't

work for me, and even if they do, I find that having

my compiled packages mixed up with my normal packages,

found in a official repository a little bit of a

mix-up.It's better to have a clean computer from the

start, and paco does exactly that.Oh, and paco has an

option to create a package (tar.gz though), that can

be installed at a later date, using paco.It's really a

better and cleaner way to manage source-installed

programs.Just use it and you'll see.

Oh, and I'm that "Alex Ferguson" guy.


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