Application Suggestion.Possible Breezy Intergration?
Magnus Therning
magnus at
Fri Sep 16 04:12:03 CDT 2005
On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 12:55:08PM -0700, Alex Ferguson wrote:
>But, I found a solution.It comes by the name of "paco"
><> and it's something like a bookeeping
>application for source installed with "make install".Operation is
>really easy, and it has a simple GTK frontend for easy operation.Also,
>it has a small size, about 1 MB or something.For me, it filled one of
>the last "holes" in my whole Linux experience.
I vaguely remember a similar tool that not only would record what was
installed but actually create a Debian package (or RPM, or tar-ball)
along the way as well. I don't remember the name at all, but maybe
someone else's memory is better...
Magnus Therning (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at
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