breezy upgrade

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu Sep 15 07:00:03 CDT 2005

put in the cd
select auto upgrade
get worried when it plans to remove 475 packages, including minor things
like 'build-essential'.
tried to copy the 'show details list', but that just made synaptic go
into a 100% cpu use cycle.
Ended up having to right mouse on its icon in the tool bar and kill it.

Tried again..
put in the cd
nothing happens.

Looked for a script in doc, in root, in ubuntu, no joy.

Went into synaptic...
still wants to remove 475 packages.

I think the root cause is that I have gnome-phone-manager locally built
which has a dep on libsigc++-1.2-5c102.

After I do the upgrade, I'll mail in with bonnie++ before and after

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