Apt - Stable?

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Wed Sep 14 13:24:25 CDT 2005

On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 11:00:05PM -0400, David Walker wrote:
> I am wondering why, there is no symlink called 'stable'.  Or a tool that 
> a user could say check for a new stable.  For the user who does not like 
> a prompt there should be an easy way to migrate from warty to hoary.

We'll be designing such a tool at UbuntuBelowZero.

> Debian has 'stable' and when Woody went old, and Sarge became stable, 
> anyone who apt-get dist-upgrade was moved to stable, at least I believe.

Yes, and there are many headaches associated with this approach ("surprise"
upgrades), which is why Ubuntu doesn't follow suit.

 - mdz

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