openoffice not upgraded?

Zach uid000 at
Tue Sep 13 20:19:18 CDT 2005

On 9/13/05, Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <evandrofg at> wrote:
> Em Qua, 2005-09-14 às 10:03 +1000, Carey O'Shea escreveu:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On my Hoary to Breezy upgrade, Openoffice was left at version 1.1.4, and
> > wasn't upgraded. I had to install "openoffice.org2" manually, and remove
> > the old version.
> >
> > Is this intentional?
> >
> >
> >
> Do you have ubuntu-desktop installed?
> -
> Evandro

For readers who don't know why evandro's question is relevant:

It is very easy to remove ubuntu-desktop in a typical ubuntu
installation, particularly with hoary.  Removal of almost any of the
default packages will cause the ubuntu-desktop meta package to be
removed.  It is important to double check that ubuntu-desktop is
installed before performing an upgrade.  Ubuntu-desktop may be
dependent on new packages in breezy that weren't in hoary, as is the
case with openoffice.org2.  ubuntu-desktop ensures that these new
packages get pulled in at the time of the upgrade.

As far as removal of 1.1.4, since OOo2 is an entirely
new set of programs, it doesn't upgrade OOo1, but rather installs
along side it.  OOo1 should show up in local or obsolete programs in
synaptic, once your repository sources are pointed at breezy and away
from hoary.

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