Bitstream Vera Sans unhinted?

Adam Conrad adconrad at
Sun Sep 11 22:51:20 CDT 2005

Evandro Fernandes Giovanini wrote:
> Here are two screenshots to show the difference:
> ubuntu default
> modified
> I think the second one looks _much_ better and should be the default,
> unless there are patent issues involved.

I'll have to politely disagree here.  I have minor vision problems, and
I find that focussing on the modified version is VERY difficult, as it's
a bit "fuzzy", while the default version is very crisp and easy to read.

Why is this, you ask?  Because hinting specifically states that this
font should not be antialiased at certain point sizes, because it's
designed to look as clean and crisp as it does.  Taking away that
hinting makes the font "fat and fuzzy" at all smaller point sizes, and
makes it very, very difficult to read for a large number of people.

... Adam

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