Bitstream Vera Sans unhinted?

Evandro Fernandes Giovanini evandrofg at
Sun Sep 11 18:20:58 CDT 2005

Em Dom, 2005-09-11 às 15:09 -0400, skoal escreveu:
> > I think the first poster complaints about autohinter is disabled by
> > default. Isn't it?
> >> Yes, sir. I dunno. Why post the default config and ask if it should
> >> be the default? It was confusing to me as well. In general, I think
> >> devs would be opening up a can of worms by turning on font 
> >> backends (by default) which are known to cause problems for 
> >> many people, so that's why (by default) the autohinter is off. 
> >> And, I think that's prudent...
> Ooops. Don't I look the dummy.  I just went back and checked his
> config.  He's talking about just "hinting", not the "autohinter". 
> Please ignore my stupidity.  My apologies Evandro...
> \\//_
> -- 
> skoal

np :)
Here are two screenshots to show the difference: ubuntu default modified

I think the second one looks _much_ better and should be the default,
unless there are patent issues involved.


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