Breezy > Hoary?

Steve Myers dlist at
Sat Sep 10 11:06:02 CDT 2005

Lukas Sabota Wrote: 
> I'm upgrading my hoary installation to breezy.  Apt told me that an 
> additional 500MB would be used.  Is this correct?  Is breezy that much 
> bigger than hoary, or is the upgrade routine just messier and leaves 
> more things behind than a clean installation?
> Lukas
> -- 
> ubuntu-devel mailing list
> ubuntu-devel at

The upgrade is deffinently much bigger and it does override hoary and
intends to leave a nasty trail of left overs. If you're doing an
upgrade, breezy might toy around with hoary's applications as breezy's
applications are a higher upgrade and hoary is unable to run them

If you do run into any issues while upgrading and find yourself stuck,
then please upgrade by doing a fresh install.

The link below provides you with the download link and the live cd

Good Luck!

Steve Myers

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