Breezy installer resolution

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Thu Sep 8 02:39:23 CDT 2005

On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 05:27:34PM +1000, Carey O'Shea wrote:
> I've just installed Breezy Colony 4, I'll be testing it out tomorrow.
> Just one thing though, I've always wondered why I experience display 
> problems with the Debian installer (on both debian/hoary/breezy) on my 
> laptop. The bottom of the screen is squashed and rolled up to the top. I 
> need to always append vga=771 (which is 800x600 at 256 colours) or 
> vga=769 (640x480, 256 colours) to get the installer to display properly.
> If the installer doesn't use 769 or 771 by default, then what does it 
> use? I have a desktop PC that is 12 years old that can display 769 or 
> 771 resolutions, so shouldn't all more recent PCs also have no problems?

It uses 640x480 with 16 colors, the plainest and simplest VGA mode
available, which works on the widest range of hardware.

I've seen laptops which manage to get this wrong, but not desktops...

 - mdz

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