LiveCD daily report for 09-06-2005. Perfection.

Ryan Thiessen ryanthiessen at
Wed Sep 7 18:59:12 CDT 2005

On 9/7/05, Daniel Robitaille <robitaille at> wrote:
> no, it's the grub splash image.    And I'm the owner of an old desktop
> that often doesn't work very well with most grub slash screen.  So I
> fully agree that it shouldn't be turned on by default for everyone
> because when it doesn't work properly the result is not very nice
> visually.

I also agree that it shouldn't be enabled by default, but if anyone is
interested I uploaded a grub graphic that matches the lovely looking
new usplash image.  Created by simply converting the usplash graphic
into xpm format in the GIMP.

Drop that into /boot/grub and then tell menu.lst to use the xpm.gz
file as splash.
-Ryan Thiessen-

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