Samba and ldap troubles.

George Farris farrisg at
Fri Sep 2 10:35:59 CDT 2005

Hello gang,
As the development team I thought maybe someone here would have some
insight into an issue with Ubuntu.  We have configured Samba with
Openldap on a couple of machines with different hardware.  Have used
both Hoary and breezy and experience login locks quite frequently.  We
were hoping to use Ubuntu as a server but it really does seem extremely
unstable.  I have had a Fedora Core 2 machine running the same for over
a year.

It seems Openldap may be the problem to the point of having to reboot
the system.  I'm wondering if the choice of using bdb as the database
was a wise one.  Fedora used ldbm and we've never had a problem.  It is
a serious issue in that logins lock up completely and one has to reboot
the machine unless they leave root logged in to a terminal somewhere.
If I can restart openldap things return to normal.

The systems can still be pinged so they are alive but essentially
useless.  There is a local user on the machine and one would expect
nsswitch to kick in and allow the local user in but the login process
never reaches a password prompt.

I'll try and give a more detailed bug report if I find something
concrete but at this point all I know is it locks up.


George Farris   farrisg at
Malaspina University-College

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