Seb Payne spayne at
Fri Oct 28 15:57:00 CDT 2005

Hello All

iFolder is a Mono application which backs up and synchronises files
across multiple machines. You can find more information on

However, iFolder has some licensing issues which have meant it couldn't
be packaged up and included in Breezy. The backend database (Flaim) is
not an open source product as it powers other products such as GroupWise
and eDirectory. Flaim can not be redistributed without permission from
Novell. So, we are going to try and solve this and get iFolder into the
repository for Dapper.

After talking to the iFolder Development Team, they seem to be willing
to do some sort of deal. On the advice on Daniel (dholbach) and Jorge
(whiprush), we have decided to take this matter to the next Technical
Board meeting. Some of the guys from Novell are going to attend this
meeting to explain the situation and how it can be solved. Jared Allen
is going to contact the Flaim development team before Tuesday so he can
give us as much information as possible on the situation. I'd be
interested to hear your thoughts on the matter.
Have fun at Ubuntu Below Zero and see you on Tuesday!


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