Cam cameron.matheson at
Fri Oct 21 13:12:35 CDT 2005

Hi guys,

On 10/21/05, Jeff Waugh <jeff.waugh at> wrote:
> <quote who="David Oftedal">
> We need solid feedback and guidance...

Ok, i use SCIM every day on my ubuntu system, and it's wildly stable. 
The Ubuntu-TW kids are all using packages from the good Taiwanese
folks at Debian.  Here's the source:

deb unstable main

These packages *do* work.  We could probably just import them into
breezy (or dapper or whatever), or at least figure out what they're
doing right.  It would also be a good idea to import the fonts there,
as they are much more readable than the fonts we have now.

> ... more solid than that. ;-) We haven't had the expertise available to make
> the right choices so far. We want to, and we have the infrastructure to make
> it completely rock once we choose the appropriate software/packages. But we
> need to get a good spec for how to do it in the most useful way.

I would also recommend scim for now, although I need to try out gcin
(I know that many of the top folks in Ubuntu-TW are using gcin).  It
seems that SCIM's major drawback is that it only works w/ gtk2, kde,
etc.  Whereas I believe gcin (which is an updated version of xcin?) is
able to input chinese characters anywhere.  I'll look into that. 
Anyway, if there is any need to coordinate w/ the Ubuntu-TW people are
Debian's people are whatever i'm usually hanging out in those irc
channels so maybe i can help out?

Cameron Matheson

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