John Richard Moser nigelenki at
Thu Oct 20 20:25:28 CDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:
> On do, 2005-10-20 at 23:11 +0200, Martin Ericsson wrote:
>>Isn't a part of the problem that there is no an easy way to share
>>between the different users on a ubuntu  system?
>>As you stated, on many systems the different users corresponds to 
>>various family members. Yet if you want to share your music with 
>>everybody in the family you you have to point them to your home 
>>directory  or create a common directory with o:rw and make sure that
>>users belong to the same  group?
>>So I think ubuntu should make sharing easier.  Just as every file
>>has a home-icon, it should also have a pointer to a shared directory.
> I like this idea, a /tmp like area that is easily accessible (file
> dialogs, places menu etc...)

I use /home/shared chmod 01777 for shared data.  Even on single user
systems I throw that there for MP3 collections and the like.

> That would solve the sharing bit in a proper way...

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