Edward H. Trager ehtrager at umich.edu
Thu Oct 20 09:17:18 CDT 2005

On Wednesday 2005.10.19 11:34:15 -0700, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 11:33:53AM -0400, Edward H. Trager wrote:
> >  2. If I remember correctly, Ubuntu already includes the Arabeyes.org Arabic fonts which would
> >     be useful in many North African countries.  Does Ubuntu include the
> >     Ethiopian / Amharic fonts ?
> I'm not sure which ones are "the" Amharic fonts, but the necessary glyphs
> are present in the default set of fonts in Ubuntu.

  The Ethiopic Unicode Resource page at 
  http://www.abyssiniacybergateway.net/fidel/unicode/ lists Ethiopia Jiret
  available from http://www.senamirmir.com/download/jiret.zip, GF Zemen available
  from  ftp://ftp.ethiopic.org/pub/fonts/TrueType/gfzemenu.ttf, and Visual Ge'ez
  available from http://www.custorc.com/downloads/VGNSetup.EXE .  These then are
  "the" Ethiopic fonts I was talking about.
  (In addition to these, CODE 2000 is listed as also supporting Ethiopic, 
   but CODE 2000's shareware license
   would not permit distribution in Ubuntu.  In any case the design of many of the
   glyphs in CODE 2000 are typographically mediocre (which does not however discount
   the utility of this huge pan-Unicode font). The Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text 
   und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS) Cyberbit pan-Unicode font at
   http://titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de/unicode/tituut.asp is also listed as supporting
   Ethiopic, but again the license would not permit distribution in Ubuntu).

- Ed Trager

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