Release management thoughts for Dapper Drake

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Tue Oct 18 14:22:56 CDT 2005

On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 03:21:00PM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> * Matt Zimmerman 
> | We do already offer them a choice if they need it.  Breezy is still
> | supported for 18 months, and users who have problems with a newer kernel can
> | stay behind until their issues are resolved in Dapper.  Likewise, if Dapper
> | doesn't have their bug fix, they have the option of jumping ahead to
> | Dapper+N, N=1..10 at any time.
> I thought we'd only be supporting upgrades from long-lasting version
> to long-lasting version?  Supporting upgrades from dapper to any other
> version is going to be painful.

We will support upgrades from each release to its immediate successor.  It
seems reasonable to support upgrades from one long-term release to another,
though I don't think any commitment has been made there.

Anyway, there will be an upgrade path from the current long-term release to
the latest 6-monthly release.  I wasn't implying any particular support for
skipping releases, only that it would be possible to get there from here.
The upgrade path may involve intermediate steps.

 - mdz

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