Mark Shuttleworth mark at
Tue Oct 18 09:09:26 CDT 2005

Lorenzo E. Danielsson wrote:

>I'd like to find a way that these guys can receive a bit of help to get
>started without it negatively affecting any work on making Dapper the
>greatest Ubuntu yet. One the one hand, I'm hoping to be able to build up
>future contributors to Ubuntu, and on the other hand I want to some of
>our Ghanaian developers to get some exposure to larger projects,
>something they really need.
The best community to work with is the MOTU - Masters of the Universe.
They are well organised, and setup to handle new guys who are looking to
learn more about the making of Ubuntu. Daniel Holbach (dholbach on can put you in touch with the current ringleaders.

Of course, there's Rosetta for translations too, if you come across
people who are passionate about that. And artwork with a strongly
Ghanaian theme would be welcome at

>I will also be teaching Gtk/Gnome application development from next
>month. These are second year students and it would be interesting to get
>some of the students to take up Ubuntu related projects for their
>project work. 
A good way to get them started woudl be with Python-GTK development, it
provides a high level language and a nice Ubuntu-integrated
Look-And-Feel for apps right away.

>I'm sure the Center would approve of that as well.
As will the Mother Ship :-)

>Finally thanks for all the great work you all have been doing so far.
>Some of us here like to think of Ubuntu as "the African distro" and we'd
>like to see it have more African contributors.
Darn straight!

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