Release management thoughts for Dapper Drake

Ivan Krstic krstic at
Sat Oct 15 17:01:08 CDT 2005

Jeff Waugh wrote:
> But, you'll note, that's not what the proposal called for, and does not take
> into account the additional time we'll have to focus on what we *do* exclude
> from UVF -> much of the point of the proposal in the first place.

Right. I understand the original proposal perfectly. I'm just not sold
on whether it'll work yet, which is why...

>>It would be helpful for someone deeply involved with release management to
>>throw in a comment here

...I asked for a few more voices to join the discussion.

> Possibly worth pointing out that I designed the release structure for Ubuntu
> based on experience with a number of years managing the GNOME releases. :-)

Relax, no one's challenging your credentials, I respect you a great
deal, and you seem like a very smart guy. But I can't help my
incredulity at the conclusion on which your proposal rests, which is why
it'd be good to hear from some of the other Very Smart Guys [TM].

Ivan Krstic <krstic at> | 0x147C722D

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