Release management thoughts for Dapper Drake

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Sat Oct 15 16:39:33 CDT 2005

<quote who="Ivan Krstic">

> Scott James Remnant wrote:
> > If we continue UVF then we _SHOULD_NOT_ update GNOME, or -- those
> > are the major changes that could break things.  You're picking on things
> > that have either not changed anyway, or changed in minor ways that we
> > probably want to pull anyway.
> This is exactly what I've been saying.

But, you'll note, that's not what the proposal called for, and does not take
into account the additional time we'll have to focus on what we *do* exclude
from UVF -> much of the point of the proposal in the first place.

> It would be helpful for someone deeply involved with release management to
> throw in a comment here

Possibly worth pointing out that I designed the release structure for Ubuntu
based on experience with a number of years managing the GNOME releases. :-)

- Jeff

Ubuntu USA & Europe Tour: Oct-Nov 2005  
    "It's not sufficient to 'use simple words to explain things'. Things
      must actually *be* simple, which is much harder." - Martin Pool

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