Release management thoughts for Dapper Drake

Ante Karamatic ivoks at
Sat Oct 15 10:30:25 CDT 2005

On Sat, 2005-10-15 at 16:03 +0100, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> That would require changing dapper after it's "released", instead of getting
> it right the first time (which will involve new ways of looking at things,
> thus my proposal).

Sorry, maybe it's my bad english :)

Idea is to release Dapper in April and leave it like that for ever :).
Enterprise is slow in addoption new things. So, we would have some time
to polish it (bugs, testing, etc...). Then, in October (or even sooner)
just mark it as a enterprise ready (without changing a thing in it;
maybe supply CD with fixes or just leave that to
Like guarantee or something like that.

This is just an idea...

Ante Karamatic <ivoks at>
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