Release management thoughts for Dapper Drake

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Sat Oct 15 09:02:18 CDT 2005

<quote who="Ante Karamatic">

> Hipoteticly: with Breezy getting to desktop, we could push Hoary as a
> enterprise ready OS. ... When Dapper+1 hits desktop, we could say Dapper
> is enterprise ready. It would be well tested and well supported.

> What do you think about that?

For a start, we've already committed to a long term support cycle for 6.04
(dapper, when it's released), and if we don't approach the development of a
long term supported release with that clearly in mind, we won't manage the
process or release goals in the most useful or optimal way.

We know we're going to support 6.04 for a significantly longer period than
our previous releases, so we have to manage the development process in an
appropriately defensive manner, as well as deliver a system that users will
want to use.

It makes it slightly challenging that we really have two quite different
user profiles we're aiming at (those looking for a fresh 6 monthly release,
and those looking for a solid foundation with a lengthy support period), but
I don't think that will result in the kind of protest and ire some posters
have suggested. :-)

- Jeff

EuroOSCON: October 17th-20th
   "I love 2001. Especially the beginning with the proto-humans screaming
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