Release management thoughts for Dapper Drake

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Sat Oct 15 07:58:51 CDT 2005

<quote who="Ivan Krstic">

> denying them the fresh software they've come to expect purely on account
> of enterprise potential doesn't strike me as a very community-oriented
> decision.

That's surprisingly strong language for a fairly straight forward release
management proposal. :-) We're not denying our users fresh software. Please
read the proposal again. There will continue to be feature goals that take
desktop software into account, which is the majority of what these users
will be looking for. I specifically listed some of the likely expections to
a continuing upstream version freeze in the first email in this thread...

- Jeff

Ubuntu USA & Europe Tour: Oct-Nov 2005  
     "Love's such an old fashioned word." - Queen & David Bowie, Under

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