Release management thoughts for Dapper Drake

Sivan Green sivan at
Sat Oct 15 02:27:41 CDT 2005

On 13:18, Fri 14 Oct 05, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> Both suggestions will increase the testing exposure of the stable components
> as they'll see active use in both breezy *and* dapper. I think it would suck
> to ship a long-term supported release with only the testing it will receive
> during its six-month development cycle - that's not going to be enough.

Very resonable, I've also been feeling we need more time for
bugfixing and to allow to  stablize more before release.
I've been even getting feedback from collegues and
interested parties (especially in the enterprise markets
near me) that they would like to see more of this before
they will consider deploying Ubuntu widely. On top of that,
following this scheme will probably enable us to better give
support by limiting the scope of research for a bug or a
problem, and enable us to more easily get certified as ready
platform for various enterprise grade products [1].



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