F-lock keycodes.

Martijn van de Streek martijn at foodfight.org
Thu Oct 6 08:16:29 CDT 2005

On Thu, 06 Oct 2005, Carey O'Shea wrote:

> So I propose either changing the keys to function as their normal roles 
> (best option IMO), or make them do their "special" actions.

They should do their "magic" things (like in Windows) by default, they
already send normal F-keys when F-lock is active right?

If it's a relatively new keyboard, chances are volume control (and a few
others) will work out of the box, as the keycodes for that seem to be
standardising slowly.
> I've reverted my keys to act as normal F keys, with or without the 
> F-lock key on, by doing this:
> Are there any drawbacks to doing the above?

You lose the ability to differentiate between F-lock and non-F-lock
versions of the keys, which can be annoying.


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