Vincent Untz vincent at
Fri Nov 25 03:17:56 CST 2005

On Thu, November 24, 2005 16:25, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 04:07:01PM +0100, Oliver Grawert wrote:
>> On Do, 2005-11-24 at 13:40 +0100, Martin Pitt wrote:
>> > Warty did not use the admin group, and sudo can
>> > be configured much more fine grained than a coarse
>> > 'everything/nothing' approach. With this, an user who is e. g. granted
>> > to run only network-admin would never see it in the menu.
>> is this really relevant ? warty will be unsupported if dapper comes out,
>> its 18 months cycle is done by then.
> Systems that were installed with warty and upgraded to hoary or breezy
> (or indeed dapper) will still be supported, and such systems will not
> use the admin group unless the administrator has set it up manually.

Is it really bad if it's mentioned in the release notes?
I mean, when I upgraded to hoary (or breezy, I can't remember :-)), I
had to install the language-pack for GNOME. This was mentioned in the
release notes, so it was okay.

Also, the other alternative is to add a patch to sudo that we might
have to maintain forever (I'm not sure upstream is interested in the
--check-desktop-file option). I'm not really fond of this...


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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