Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Sun Nov 20 08:01:07 CST 2005

On So, 2005-11-20 at 22:19 +1100, Rod Lovett wrote:
> I wonder does Mark Shuttleworth really use Kubuntu 64, if so he may
> still be less than impressed.
> I report the following after a short test drive.
i guess he will be *very* impressed about the progress that was made in
less than 3 weeks of development on kubuntu by jonathan and his small
team and indeed you filed bugs for all the problems you encountered to
have them solved in april at release time, didnt you ? 
> 1) Still no KDE root login, and, oh dear---- I hear the zealots
> already tut-tutting how one should never, never gui login as root etc
bug number ?

> 2)Firstly one cannot edit sources.list from the root terminal (after
> sudo  passwd so it works first). Then trying to run via root terminal,
> kate or konqueror they will not open, so one is up the creek without a
> paddle.
bug number ? 

> 3)K3b no cdrdao and not available without editing sources.list if you
> can!
bug number ? 

> 4) Still no usb flashdrive mounting---
which bugnumber is this ? 

> 5) Thunderbird opens no weblinks in mail, and mozilla-browser has no
> mail option.
and which bug number was this ? 

olease dont use that list for random rantings, we try to coordinate our
work here and the noise level gets higher with every post like this, if
you want your problems solved, the best way to get developers attention
is to use bugzilla...

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