Hiroyuki Ikezoe ikezoe at good-day.co.jp
Sun Nov 13 19:29:50 CST 2005

Daniel, sorry for my direct e-mail.

2005-11-14 (月) の 08:00 +1100 に Daniel Stone さんは書きました:
> On Sun, Nov 13, 2005 at 02:54:01PM +0000, Mike Hearn wrote:
> > If they're willing to change the soname later, how comes they aren't
> > willing to change it now?
> The same thing has happened for basically every other point release
> lately.
> > This sort of thing basically takes FreeType out
> > of the desktop Linux platform entirely which is a serious loss. 
> > 
> > If you do insist on upgrading FreeType before the versioning problem
> > sorted out, could you please chuck up a website somewhere and do
some kind
> > of 'fork' (not really a fork, just a set of easily obtained patches
and an
> > explanatory webpage)? That way there's a better chance that other
> > will switch to this patched version instead of Debian, Red Hat, SUSE
> > all doing their own custom patches and breaking binary compatibility
> > good.
> Odds are pretty low.  It's happened before, and I think the odds of
> finding someone cluey enough with the nitty-gritty details of fonts to
> do it are very small.
> As I said earlier, it's hardly the first time; it's happened about
> times before in this series.

If embolden is just needed, here is the patch. There's no ABI breakage,
just addition of some new functions for embolden.

Japanese LoCo Team distributes the patched freetype-2.1.7 for breezy,
never received any problems concerned with freetype.

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