crimsun at crimsun at
Thu Nov 3 03:08:04 CST 2005

On Thu, Nov 03, 2005 at 05:00:32PM +0800, Trent Lloyd wrote:
> I said rip out these *parts* off ffmpeg

What parts do you want to rip out, only the parts that prevent vlc from
compiling if you use proper lib{avformat,avcodec,postproc}-dev build-
depends or the questionably non-free portions or both? The first is
impossible due to libpostproc-dev being in multiverse; the second is
the impetus for Sebastian's e-mail.

> as i said, i have no idea how much of a role either of these provide for
> ffmpeg
> if its essential then that sucks :( and i guess vlc will have to goto
> multiverse

It's the only solution, as either Sebastian or I can see, to resolve
both the license and build-dep issues.

> so, what is the reason its in multiverse?

I have no idea why libpostproc-dev is in multiverse as opposed to

Daniel T. Chen            crimsun at
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