GIS packages for Ubuntu

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Sat May 14 05:31:48 CDT 2005

Am Samstag, den 14.05.2005, 04:56 -0400 schrieb niconi38:
> does anybody manage to install GRASS 6.0 on hoary ?
> and if you do, please tell me how...
so you happen to use GIS ?  thats absolutely great, we started a project
for breezy that shall offer a good out of the box setup of applications
for a GIS workstation. 

Corey Burger did already an awesome work and assembled a list on 

we are looking for people that use GIS regulary and can judge the
quality of the apps and give us hints what to include so that we get a
good default set for your regular use.

please feel free to comment on the current selection, give hints or
judgements. if we get enough information together in time for breezy,
you will be able to just install a gis-workstation metapackage (or
omething similar) to have your cosy working environment with all needed
tools for your daily work.

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