Suede as default gnome icon theme for Hoary

domtar dlist at
Tue Mar 15 11:33:25 CST 2005

I don't see why incompleteness should prevent a theme from being
default. It's not as if nothing shows for an unrepresented icon if
gnome is inherited. As long as the base, and most frequently viewed
icons are present, then there's no reason to not make it default. The
idea here is to get a 'uniforn', 'overall', look with the desktop. Not
use a uniforn wallpaper, gtk, and some off the wall gnome or etiquette
icon theme. They do not fit the Human look. For that matter, neither
does suede *just because it is brown. It's closer but.....

I personally have never cared for suede, but it's a far better 'uniform
desktop look' choice than gnome or etiquette icons. BTW: you did a great
job on suede2 Nikola, but I'd rather see lila-brown as the default
before suede2.

I agree that no svg theme should be default but not because of scaling
at small sizes, but rather looking scaled at large sizes. Look at the
left side.
load them up on your desktop if you really want to see the jagged edge
svg needs to mature before anything detailed and not a square
cartoonish icon is rendered correctly. PNG for me.

There's no need to make icons for every software out there. That is the
app devel's job not the icon theme designer. Sure icons for the most
commonly used apps is nice but not 200+ app icons.


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