Changelogs, where are they?

Jorge Bernal koke at
Thu Mar 10 03:12:48 CST 2005

On Thursday 10 March 2005 09:42, Vincenzo Di Massa wrote:
> Are th changelogs offset by one release? Is there another url I should
> download most recent changelogs from?

No, I guess they are regenerated daily, or maybe twice a day. Try again later.

> Anyhow... he -25.1 kernel works well here. Now I would like to know what
> changed in -25.2 before rebooting into it.

If you have already installed it, you can look 
at /usr/share/doc/linux-*/changelog.Debian.gz

> Thank you.

Jorge Bernal "Koke"
Personal:  koke at
   koke at
Jabber:  koke at

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