polypaudio -> esound
Jeff Waugh
jeff.waugh at ubuntu.com
Wed Mar 9 22:59:23 CST 2005
<quote who="Daniel Robitaille">
> > No, you weren't. There were definitely improvements in polypaudio,
> > which is why we tried it out for Hoary, but overall it was not in good
> > enough shape for the Hoary release.
> will the packages stay around in the official Hoary? If so, then an user
> could in theory stick to polypaudio instead of esound if they wish, and if
> it works better for them. Or it's not going to be a good idea?
It will be in universe for hoary, so unsupported, but I intend to track it
for possible inclusion in a future release (that said, we may decided to do
something entirely different for audio mixing, we just don't know yet).
- Jeff
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