User Assistant project

John Richard Moser nigelenki at
Tue Mar 8 17:45:28 CST 2005

Hash: SHA1

Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Dienstag, den 08.03.2005, 16:31 -0500 schrieb John Richard Moser:
>>I never found out, where is the code of conduct posted anyway?  I don't
>>even remember how I actually got subscribed to this list o.o
> so please read it before posting the next time to this list:


Is it a bad thing if I can honestly say I don't entirely understand some
of those?  Like I recognize the concepts but don't quite get how it's
supposed to be applied socially?

Like, "be respectful" is confusing.  Many people have conflicting ideas
of what "respectful" is; for example, some people consider it respectful
to not exactly tell people what you think if it's not entirely positive,
while others consider holding back negative comments to be potentially
detrimental to progress and about as disrespectful if not moreso as
lying, thus causing a disruption of trust bonds.  I've encountered
people who go so far as to feel that they're being treated like they're
stupid if any attempt to control the delivery of negative information is
 made, while others think it's immature to simply spout out what's on
your mind without finding gentle, calming words and drawn out phrases to
wind it in.

I also don't understand "consulting others" when you disagree with
something.  Isn't that basically saying "Open your mouth if you think
someone's wrong"?  Which again ties into the respect thing and decisions
on if you should keep negative comments to yourself or say them, both of
which can be seen as being done "out of respect"

> ciao
> 	oli

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