Eclipse 3.1 move to Universe

Jerry Haltom wasabi at
Thu Jun 30 19:44:04 CDT 2005

Eclipse currently in multiverse now builds with completely free
packages. This was done by disabling the built in help system so that it
no longer relies on tomcat 4 (which is in multiverse, pending upgrade to
tomcat 5).

Eclipse also depends on Lucene which is also in multiverse. This was
built using free tools by disabling an unused Java RMIC class.

To sum it up, the following packages can be moved from multiverse to

Source: lucene
Binary: liblucene-java, liblucene-java-doc

Source: eclipse
Binary: eclipse-ecj, eclipse-pde, eclipse-platform, eclipse-efj,
eclipse-source, eclipse-jdt, eclipse-rcp, eclipse-sdk

Jerry Haltom <wasabi at>

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