MOTU report - issue 4

Daniel Holbach dh at
Thu Jun 2 17:52:53 CDT 2005

Hey everybody,

this is the fourth issue of the MOTU report - bringing you the latest
news from MOTU land.

First of all: we have newcomers. Fresh blood! There have been quite a
lot of new MOTUs in the last month. 

      * Michael Rimbert (tritium), 
      * Hervé Cauwelier (herve), 
      * Stephan Hermann (\sh), 
      * Reinhard Tartler (siretart), 
      * Stephen Shirley (diamon) and 
      * Ante Karamatic (ivoks) 

are now part of our team and we are all VERY happy. Those guys made
incredible efforts andtake care of the good atmosphere. It's awesome to
watch them grow into the team and tackle bugs in packages on their own.

Our biggest target were and still are the C++ transition [1] and the
packages being re-merged by MOM [2]. [1] is a particular joy to look at:
although there are some bits missing: Look at it yourself! See how much
incredible work by so many bustling individuals was done. They're


The MOTUMono team did rocking work, the team's president, Brandon Hale
said in his speech: "we moved 1.1.7 into breezy, updated every app per
the new standards, drafted a policy doc for Debian review, moved to
main... and more!"

Stephan Hermann, new MOTU, C++ rocker and KDE enthusiast wants to add:
"that without ogra and u, without the recruitement work ogra's doing and
without dholbach's effort for having quality this team wouldn't be the
one team :)" and: "THX FOR ALL THE ROCK AND ROLL ALL DAY :)"

Another exciting step was the Backports meeting, although both worlds
coexisted for quite a long time, there was no real interaction for a
long time. We're all looking forward to good collaboration between the

There is still so much to do, so much innovation which can take place,
so much rocking teams to form, so much of YOUR ideas to get in. Talk to
your local MOTU today, make it happen, embrace the Universe and make the
step to day.

Start here:

Have a nice day,

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