Firefox 1.5 for Breezy Universe?

Martin Meredith martin at
Fri Jul 29 14:10:48 CDT 2005

I am currently in the process of packaging firefox-preview, which will
be in universe hopefully.

The Version numbers of Firefox etc etc isn't really a problem, as the
package management allows us to work with version numbers properly, as
long as the person creating the packages for 1.5/2.0 knows what they are
doing, which I do, and I'm sure Martin Pitt does too.

Also, we will mose likely backport Firefox from Breezy +1 to Breezy when
the point arrives.

John Richard Moser wrote:
> I'm just wondering if Firefox 1.5 will be packaged for Breezy Universe
> with "supplies firefox".  It should be released in September; Breezy is
> an October release isn't it?  I don't think that'd be enough time to
> test it for main, and of course Breezy should be in feature freeze about
> now anyway.  I've used the feature-incomplete Alpha 1 of Deer Park, it's
> very nice.
> The only forseeable problem is that Firefox is "firefox"; Firefox 2.0
> will be "Firefox 2" according to the Mozilla Foundation, so probably
> "firefox-2" for Ubuntu.  Firefox 1.5 is still "firefox" and I don't see
> or want Ubuntu to make it "firefox-1.5"; dancing through hoops trying to
> do two "firefox" packages is a pain in the ass.  I guess you could call
> it "deer-park" and then later have firefox 1.5 "replaces deer-park" but
> that'd be rediculous and wasteful.

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