X libraries mess in breezy...

Xavier Poinsard xpoinsard at openpricer.com
Fri Jul 22 04:24:41 CDT 2005

Karl Hegbloom a écrit :
> On Fri, 2005-07-15 at 20:26 +0200, Julien Olivier wrote:
>>Is it why the SHIFT key doesn't work anymore ? Or is it an unrelated
>>bug ?
> I think it's a separate bug... It did not work for me either.  I fixed
> it by copying an 'xmodmap' binary over from another box, and then
> installing 'xkeycaps'.  I used 'xkeycaps' to create a working .xmodmap,
> and am using that for now as a work-around.

Could you give more details on your workaround since this problem is 
very annoying for french keyboard...
or could somebody look into the root of the problem ?

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