Breezy usability testing?
Till Varoquaux
till.varoquaux at
Thu Jul 21 10:30:44 CDT 2005
1- I'm not convinced menu on top of the screen is a much better alternative
(let's say it's no worst).
_It make application lack consitency: everything is in one place (the main
window of the application) excepted the menu bar which is way ou there...
_Fit's law is about size and distance. having a menu way on the other side
of screen makes you have to travel way more. Now how those that make you be
more productive...
On the other side you can have "headless" application pretty easilly (only a
menu). This can also be done with the system tray.
3- Maybe visual memory will build up (to a point where you don't have to
think before knowing what the button does)?
5- Yeap I guess all should alternate. Consistency is still a moot point
under linux...
14 - lol... I guess you are right about peoples being slowed down...
16 - cursor autohiding might be confusing for some. suggests fading out
42 - you could even add a popup saying why the user should have unmounted it
before taking it away (in case he doesn't)... Just like in windows.
69 - I so much agree....
here are my points...
1 - when the computer shuts down gnome displays no special messages (usefull
when shutting with the power button via acpi). I push the button and for 5
seconds I'm left wondering what's going on...
2 - when I cick on an mp3 no dialog pops up telling me why I can't read mp3
in simple terms. A diallog should popup where you could:
_click on a link (to yelp?) and read how to enable mp3 support
_... and read why mp3 is not supported.
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