recovery from stupid error

Brett Profitt brett at
Sat Jul 16 16:54:26 CDT 2005

Judd Pickell wrote:
> "Once again I mention that I am talking about making bypassing security
> easier for those who wish to do harm ... and I
> will continue believing that these practices are dangerous and insecure
> for a distribution that caters to new users."
> <sarcasm> Brett, have you ever worked for MS?</sarcasm>
> [Giant snip]
> Maybe after reading the above link's contents you will understand
> better why it is, and if not, well, that is what it is..
> Sincerely,
> Judd Pickell

Judd Pickell wrote:
> Ugg, everytime people talk about security all they can think of in is
> [Giant snip]
> Bleh, now another very long email, sorry guys... I just have strong
> opinions.. :)
> Sincerely,
> Judd Pickell

You, friend, are ranting...and it is to no one's benefit.  Long
explanations are simply that: long.  They are not inherently better than
 explanations of any other length.

Brett Profitt wrote:
> I see that this discussion will not progress to any further meaningful
> levels on the list, so I will suggest this:  You may continue believing
> that I am wrong and have a false idea of the meaning of security, and I
> will continue believing that these practices are dangerous and insecure
> for a distribution that caters to new users.

Shall we assume, then, that your response was "Ok" and move on?


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