X libraries mess in breezy...
Stephen R Laniel
steve at laniels.org
Fri Jul 15 13:05:18 CDT 2005
On Fri, Jul 15, 2005 at 06:54:31PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> Yes, they haven't been modularised yet. This work is still in progress.
> (It's hard working in a fishbowl sometimes. :-))
That reminds me: why do the packages get released before the
packages that they depend on? Shouldn't the system which
pushes packages out to the Debian repositories push out a
package after its dependencies? Because certainly the
package is unusable until the dependencies are usable.
This isn't meant to attack anyone, of course; I've just been
curious recently.
Stephen R. Laniel
steve at laniels.org
+(617) 308-5571
PGP key: http://laniels.org/slaniel.key
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