Spec for Kerberizing Ubuntu

Stephen Shirley diamond+ubuntu-devel at nonado.net
Thu Jul 14 16:54:39 CDT 2005

Andrew Forgue wrote:
> do with a database, it's just a lot more difficult.  But perhaps the
> most important reason is that almost everything that needs authenticated
> access supports LDAP.  I can't think of very many things that support
> MySQL (or any database) besides PAM, NSS and Apache.

But isn't the whole point of pam and nss that applications only need to
support them, and pam/nss handle all the details thereof?

Anyway, i'm definitely interested in getting kerberos support improved
in ubuntu. One of the things that i'd like to see improved is
install-time support for master vs slave KDCs (see a rant at
http://www.linux.ie/lists/pipermail/ilug/2005-March/024034.html , it's
about debian, but i think it also applies to ubuntu as well).


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