Are radical changes needed for Desktop Linux?

|| svaksha || svaksha at
Sun Jul 10 06:18:21 CDT 2005

thanks for all the replies !
i am aware this does not belong on this list so... sorry about that!

On 7/10/05, Stelian Iancu <stelian.iancu at> wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-07-10 at 12:49 +0600, || svaksha || wrote:
> > On 7/10/05, Stelian Iancu <stelian.iancu at> wrote:
> >
> > > For your router problem, you can try to assign a static IP address to
> > > the interface that is linked to the router. In this way, it won't get
> > > its settings from DHCP and your /etc/resolv.conf won't be overwritten.
> >
> > someone suggested i edit file /etc/network/interfaces like this :
> > auto lo eth0
> > iface lo inet loopback
> > iface eth0 inet static
> >       address
> >       netmask
> >
> > so i did that & the resolv.conf file was intact each time i rebooted
> > but the new problem is that it would not allow internet access at all
> > :( i tried changing the
> > (address and other minor edits but the router (D-Link
> > 502-T adsl-router) would not allow internet access.
> Here you should also put the gateway, which is the ip address of the
> router. So it will be something like:
> iface eth0 inet static
>       address
>       netmask
>       gateway
> or whatever the address of the router is. Now the internet access should work (it is how I have it setup for my router, albeit not a D-Link one).

i tried both  and  the router freezes if i use this "iface eth0 inet
static" ...maybe because we dont have static IP addressing...just

> Remember to do an ifdown eth0 and then ifup eth0 so that the new settings will be applied.

i need to try that !

> I don't understand this here. With each power cycle of the router? Or of
> the computer? These settings are written in some files on the computer,
> I fail to see how this affects the router. It's not like you change
> something on the router.
> The /etc/network/interfaces file is read at boot, so the next time you
> boot, you should be online :-).

i saved the entries in the /etc/network/interfaces file and rebooted
the PC but could not go online. Then i undid this and manually edited
the /etc/resolv.conf file (as i normally do) and i was able to go
I checked the router settings, which has all the correct entries but
it uses adsl via ethernet ppoe LLC and does not have static addressing
scheme (I hope i am making sense)
|| svaksha ||

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