Ubuntu repositories in DVD

Ramon Acedo ramon at linux-labs.net
Sat Jul 9 10:19:50 CDT 2005

Well, actually jigdo templates have nothing to do with
what I have done, the goal is the same though.

The main difference may be that the way I describe
in the document you need the repository in your local
disk while with jigdo you can build the DVD from an
online repository.


El sáb, 09-07-2005 a las 00:04 +0200, Reinhard Tartler escribió:
> On 7/8/05, Ramon Acedo <ramon at linux-labs.net> wrote:
> > Hello, I have built three isos with the Ubuntu repositories
> > in three different DVDs, 1 for Main and a set of 2 isos for
> > Univerese and Multiverse.
> Do you think you could provide jigdo templates for use with
> jigdo-lite? So you could use the existing ubuntu mirrors for
> downloading.
> -- 
> regards,
>     Reinhard
                              Ramon Acedo
                     Cargol.net - Solucions Lliures
                 ramon at cargol.net  |  http://cargol.net
                         Tel: +34 93 401 18 91
                        Mòvil: +34 655 58 30 64

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