A proposal: Acabuntu

Roberto Rosselli Del Turco rosselli at ling.unipi.it
Wed Jul 6 09:24:55 CDT 2005

Il giorno mar, 05-07-2005 alle 18:31 +0100, Martin Meredith ha scritto:
> Hash: SHA1
> Other than having a Version of Ubuntu with different packages installed
> by default, what do you have planned?

First of all: I'm not planning to start an Acabuntu (or Uniubuntu, does
that sound better? ;) any time soon, as I haven't the resources to do
so. I'm proposing the idea hoping that some Ubuntu devs will be
interested in it and lay the foundation (at least a Wiki entry) to work
on it.

To answer your question: basically, that's it. Sure, there are some
usability problems with Ubuntu (and Linux), but I wouldn't like Acabuntu
to diverge from the main distro UI, and I'm sure they will be fixed in
future versions of Ubuntu. OTOH, I and others in the academic community
can sure provide feedback about the Ubuntu Linux experience.

That said, this is a minimal plan for an Acabuntu distro:

- choice of specific packages instead/besides the usual ones;
- a slightly different desktop, surely more populated (welcome message,
link to a minimal documentation, icons for most common tasks, etc.);
- links to external resources/sites;
- more documentation;
- Live CD/DVD with full installation choice.


Roberto Rosselli Del Turco      roberto.rossellidelturco at unito.it
Dipartimento di Scienze         rosselli at ling.unipi.it
del Linguaggio                  Then spoke the thunder  DA
Universita' di Torino           Datta: what have we given?  (TSE)
  Hige sceal the heardra,     heorte the cenre,
  mod sceal the mare,       the ure maegen litlath.  (Maldon 312-3)

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