A proposal: Acabuntu

Roberto Rosselli Del Turco rosselli at ling.unipi.it
Wed Jul 6 09:24:54 CDT 2005

Il giorno mer, 06-07-2005 alle 05:08 -0400, parktownprawn ha scritto:
> It could be especially useful for researchers in developing nations
> where limited bandwith is an issue. 


> you man find the wikki page 'UbuntuScientists'
> (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuScientists) 
> useful - it aims to be a page of useful resources for scientists and
> science students.

I think this is another way to look at the task: instead of directly
building a modified version of Ubuntu Linux, first collect resources and
links that can be used to build a software base (*then* used to build a
customized Live CD/DVD). I need an UbuntuHumanists entry then ;o)


Roberto Rosselli Del Turco      roberto.rossellidelturco at unito.it
Dipartimento di Scienze         rosselli at ling.unipi.it
del Linguaggio                  Then spoke the thunder  DA
Universita' di Torino           Datta: what have we given?  (TSE)
  Hige sceal the heardra,     heorte the cenre,
  mod sceal the mare,       the ure maegen litlath.  (Maldon 312-3)

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