Wireless Drivers included in Hoary

Yaniv Abir yanivabir at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 09:45:38 CST 2005

Is there any chance, that now that the Ralink (www.ralinktech.com) 
RT2500 and RT2400 wirless PCI cards drivers have been GPLed 
(http://www.ralinktech.com/supp-1.htm) they will be included in the 
install, so they would woek out of the box, or atleast a supported (or 
even backport!) package will be available? These drivers don't compile 
easily (or at all) for the not-so-expert user, and seeing that many 
wireless devices are based on this chipset, many users will benefit from 
their inclusion.

Thanks in advances,

and sorry for bothering you all,

Yaniv Abir

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