universal online/offline mode

Lex Hider alexeijh at westnet.com.au
Sun Jan 23 18:33:28 CST 2005

A universal online/offline mode would be useful to both laptop users and
those of us still on dialup.

A number of apps have online/offline modes [e.g. evolution, firefox,
epiphany, straw] which in the gnome apps, can easily be toggled by the
icon at the lower left corner of the screen.

It doesn't seem to be good usability to have to set each application to
offline mode each time you go offline and to have to do it all again
when you go online.

I'd like to make these suggestions:

1) very easy.
there should be a system wide gnome setting for online/offline mode so
that this can set in *ONE* place instead of many.

Perhaps the online/offline icon could be removed from each app and find
a place on the panel so that you can: always see the current state, and
can always change it's state.

2) less easy.
The system can detect when you are online or offline and automatically
adjusts the above setting for you.

3) firefox's online/offline handling brought into line with the other
gnome apps.

similar discussions in the gnome community:


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