RSS in Hoary

Brian Puccio brian at
Thu Jan 20 20:20:06 CST 2005

On Fri, 2005-01-21 at 12:27 +1100, Lex Hider wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-01-01 at 17:38 -0500, John Richard Moser wrote:
> > I see that in Warty the current RSS solution is "Use Firefox Live
> > Bookmarks."  This is very skeletal and poor.  I suggest a light-weight
> > news agregator for Hoary.  Liferea is already in Universe, and should be
> > brought into Main.  It is very lightweight; the 0.5 package for core and
> > gtkhtml are 306kB, 1085kB unpacked.
> I agree that Liferea would be a good addition to hoary.
> To make this suggestion more official add it at:

I've started using a really neat python (lingua franca at Ubuntu?)
script called newspipe:

Puts all my RSS feeds into my inbox, and with some creative Evolution
filtering, I can still keep things neat (I've got around 30 filters now,
numerous mailing lists, etc).  I point it at an OPML file (which can be
genereated from any blogroll software or any RSS aggregator) so it will
stay on top of any feeds I add or remove.

Just an alternative suggestion for those who are looking for something
else.  Before this, I too used Liferea, I just find it easier to keep
things in email.
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