encrypted swap

Colin Watson cjwatson at canonical.com
Thu Jan 6 08:57:10 CST 2005

On Thu, Jan 06, 2005 at 08:53:56AM -0500, David Mandelberg wrote:
> rbran100 wrote:
> > I'm interested, let me know your progress and i will try to get back up
> > with you when i come back into town.  Have fun :-)
> I have a working prototype at http://code.eth0.is-a-geek.org/ubuntu/. Currently
> it won't work in d-i-ubuntu because cryptsetup isn't on the cd, but you can
> download and install my modified base-config and run it.

Hm, shouldn't this be done in partman rather than after the first
reboot? I think a lot of this code might be easier if it were done
there, because you have register-module for dealing with /etc/modules,
the partman infrastructure for dealing with /etc/fstab, apt-install for
installing packages, etc., and you don't have to think about whether
it's the first time base-config has been run or whatever. It could just
be part of partman-basicfilesystems, which sets up the swap partition.

Also, I'm a bit lazy sometimes; a debdiff against the previous package
would be great for review purposes. :-)

Does anyone else know whether there's anything stopping us putting
cryptsetup into main?

> NB: (at least on my system) the timezone config question makes base-config exit
> prematurely, so you have to run base-config with the environment variable
> DEBIAN_PRIORITY set to low and skip the timezone config to even get to the
> encrypting swap part.

I thought I fixed this last night. If there are still problems, please
put 'set -x' at the top of /usr/sbin/tzsetup and send me the trace.

It also might be worth changing this:

  search-path gettext

to this:

  type gettext >/dev/null 2>&1


Colin Watson                                    [cjwatson at canonical.com]

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