[Fwd: Re: The "It's Just a Desktop Distro" Problem]

Jonathan Carter jonathan at shuttleworthfoundation.org
Wed Jan 5 04:19:25 CST 2005

Sorry- meant to send to the list...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: The "It's Just a Desktop Distro" Problem
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 12:15:23 +0200
From: Jonathan Carter <jonathan at shuttleworthfoundation.org>
To: jorge o. castro <jorge at whiprush.org>
References: <crgd99$3um$1 at sea.gmane.org>

jorge o. castro wrote:
> Ok, I've been using Ubuntu since the beginning, and while I haven't 
> ruled it out as a distribution that I'd use as a server, but I always 
> thought it was geared towards the desktop specifically. Apparently 
> there's a kind of communication chasm here. I had always thought "Ubuntu 
> for desktops, Debian for servers".
> This was made more evident to me when I asked some friends at the bar 
> "Hey ... would you guys use Ubuntu as a server?"

I think Ubuntu is currently aimed more at the end-user, isn't it? Either
way, I think the notion of a "Desktop" or "server" distro isn't always
relative to a Debian based distro. Debian is meant to be a "Universal
OS", so I suppose most of its derivatives could be that too. I use
Ubuntu on some servers, and it works well. Whatever server tools I need
are generally in the universe. If I need bleeding edge stuff I could
always get it from the Debian sources.

IMHO, I think it's more important for Ubuntu to be a universal OS like
Debian, rather than just be targeted at a specific use. I think Debian
does this well already.

another 2c...


Jonathan Carter
The Shuttleworth Foundation - Supporting social innovation
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